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How do I connect to the printer? (Windows)

Wow....this one is complicated! We need your patience and all your skills for following instructions step-by-step. Once you complete those instructions, the use of the printing is super duper easy. 

So... upon your arrival, you have received a username and password for your printing account with your welcome email. Be sure to find those, as you'll need them for the installation.

Please also be mindful that we use different software in different countries, so make sure you are gearing up for the right installation process based on your location ;) 

Puzl CowOrKing Sofia 

Step 1: Add the printer

  1. First things first. You'll need to download the driver and unzip it in a folder of your choice. Search for product 'bizhub C368' here, select the OS that you're using and in section 'Printer Driver' download the latest PostScript version.
  2. Go to the Control Panel and choose 'Devices and Printers'.
  3. Click 'Add a printer' and choose 'Add a network printer' if you are using Windows before version 10.
  4. Choose "The printer that I want isn't listed" to speed up the installation process.
  5. Choose 'Add a printer using TCP/IP address or a hostname' and click 'Next'
  6. For 'Hostname or IP address' enter '' and uncheck 'Query the printer and automatically select the driver to use'. Click 'Next' to continue.
  7. Select 'Generic Network Card' and click 'Next' to continue.
  8. On the 'Install a printer driver' step, choose 'Have disk'. Then browse to the folder where you have unzipped the driver and choose the only INF file.
  9. From the list of printers that the driver supports, choose the C368 one. Then click ''Next''.
  10. Click 'Finish' and please do not print a test page. The printer you have just installed is not ready for use yet.

Step 2: Check .NET Framework 3.5

NOTE: Ensure that the .NET Framework version 3.5 is installed.

  1. Go to the Control Panel and choose 'Programs and Features'.
  2. Find and click 'Turn Windows features on or off'.
  3. Mark '.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)' for installation if it hasn't been already installed.
  4. Click 'OK' to finish.

Step 3: Install the SafeQ client

  1. Download safeq-client and unzip it in a folder of your choice, then open that folder.
  2. Open SafeQ.ini with your text editor of choice.
  3. Navigate to the bottom of the file and search for the line 'AuthText=cerebrus'. Change the line by putting your username instead of 'cerebrus'. Save and close the opened INI file.
  4. Return to the folder where you have unzipped the SafeQ client and run Install.exe. Wait for the 'Command Prompt' window to close itself.
  5. Go to the Control Panel and choose 'Printer Properties' of the already installed printer.
  6. Navigate to the 'Ports' tab and select 'SafeQ Secure Port'
  7. Click 'OK' to save the change. Now the printer is ready for use.

Puzl CowOrKing Budapest

Step 1: Check .NET Framework 3.5

NOTE: Ensure that the .NET Framework version 3.5 is installed.

  1. Go to the Control Panel and choose 'Programs/app and Features'.
  2. Find and click 'Turn Windows features on or off'.
  3. Mark '.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)' for installation if it hasn't been already installed.
  4. Click 'OK' or 'Close' to finish.

Step 2: Install the SafeQ client

  1. Download safeq-client and unzip it in a folder of your choice, then open that folder.
  2. Run YSoft-SafeQ-6-Build-98-Client-installer.exe as an administrator. If you do not have administrator permission on your device, please first contact your network admin or IT person. 
  3. Click 'OK'
  4. Close all other applications before continue the installation and click “NEXT

  5. Click 'Agree' on the licence window and go forward if everything is in check
  6. Choose the destination folder of your choice and click 'Next' 
  7. In the next window, in the controller host field, add the following domain: and untick enable spooling and click “NEXT”
  8. Congrats, you have installed the YSoft client successfully!

Step 3: Modify the printer

  1. You'll need to download the driver and unzip it in a folder of your choice. Search for product 'bizhub C251i' here by first selecting your operating system (OS) from the list.
  2. In the section ‘Universal Printer Driver' download the latest PostScript version in the list - the ZIP file appears on the the bottom of the page. You’ll only need to download the ZIP file. 
  3. Go to the Control Panel and choose 'Devices and Printers' / “Printer & Scanners”.
  4. Search for the new Ysoft Safe Q printer in the list and choose 'Manage' / Modify“
  5. Choose ”Printer Properties" and go to “Advanced” tab then go to “New Driver” button
  6. Choose the printer driver by uploading the INF file from the Driver folder on your disk.
  7. Click ‘Finish' and please print a test page on the printer, where you will be asked to enter your “printer username”.  We’ve sent you your printing credentials with the welcome email, so hopefully you have not deleted it just yet :)

Congrats Windows user - you're now ready to print. Go to the big machine and swipe your access control card. Add your username and password there.

Please Note => Printing over VPN can fail so be sure to disable it!

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