Puzl CowOrKing Sofia
Report the lost card to a Floor Manager or submit a ticket as soon as possible, so that we can block the access permissions on the card and prevent any unauthorized access. Once that's done, we'll issue you a new card.
Note: There's a 20 BGN + VAT fee for losing your access card and issuing you a new one.
Puzl CowOrKing Budapest
We have the same rules everywhere so if you suspect you've lost your card or someone stole it, please report it immediately to a Floor Manager or submit a ticket. We'll block the access permissions on the card and prevent any unauthorized access. Once that's done, we'll issue you a new card.
Note: There's a 4000 HUF + VAT fee for losing your access card and issuing you a new one.
Warning: You are liable for any incidents that may result in case your lost card is used by an unauthorized party to gain access to Puzl.
Alex Tokmakchiev