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Security and privacy

We take security seriously. Check out how we protect your data and belongings.

  • How does Puzl protect its members and their property?

    We understand how important it is to feel safe and not worry about your stuff going MIA. I mean, our stuff is here, too. To make sure we all feel protected and sleep calm at night: * Puzl is acces...

  • Can anyone just walk in in Puzl?

    Well, no. That's why we have an access control system which kind of makes it hard to enter if you don't have an access card. And only members have access cards. Obviously, there's always a small chan...

  • I lost my access control card. What do I do?

    Puzl CowOrKing Sofia Report the lost card to a Floor Manager or submit a ticket [] as soon as possible, so that we can block the access permissions on the ca...

  • Is Puzl GDPR-compliant?

    Well, we kind of have to be! It's not like the EU gave us a choice or anything. ? But yeah, we meet all GDPR requirements and follow strictly the set regulations. If you are interested in all the det...

  • How does Puzl ensure the security of my office?

    Your office (or as we like to call it your coworking with a door) is your private space in Puzl and we've made sure only you and your team have access to it, thanks to our access control system. Note...

  • What can I do in case of theft?

    Let's hope it never has to come to this, but in case of a theft, please contact the nearest Floor Manager and report in full details: * What is missing. * Where was the last location of the stole...

  • Can I take videos and photos in Puzl?

    Ehm, it depends really. ? IF YOU ARE A MEMBER We usually allow using the space to film for personal or professional projects. However, if you plan on filming other Puzl members you must attain their...

  • Liability in case of fire, flood or a natural disaster

    Puzl CowOrKing cannot be deemed responsible or in any way liable for the loss of property in case of theft, fire, or any other reason. We have taken specific steps to minimize all risk to our spaces a...