Want to learn more about attending or hosting an event? Look no further!
We constantly curate our events program to bring you relevant content on business, tech and IT related topics, that can help you learn and grow professionally and personally. Our most frequent topics ...
Most of the events we host are open to the public and you can attend them even if you are not a member of our community. However, there are two types of events that are not open to everyone: * Int...
Anyone can host an event at our space, member or not. However, keep in mind that depending on the type of event you want to organize and/or if you are a Puzl member, we may have to charge you rent for...
👤 ON FACEBOOK: * Puzl Sofia Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/PuzlCoworking/events/ [https://www.facebook.com/PuzlCoworking/events/] * Puzl Budapest Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com...